
“Very Inspirational”

"Wonderful! Very inspirational, I really needed to hear this. Your talk mirrors this book." [33 Days to Merciful Love by Father Michael Gaitley]

— Michelle V. // Mom’s Fellowship Group


“God Is Reaching Hearts”

“It is clear that God has a mission for Alyssa. With her testimony, God is reaching hearts. God is showing us, through her example, what trusting in His promise, and in His friendship can do in our lives. Alyssa is truly inspirational in her willingness to look beyond the suffering and heartache, and instead give God thanks, and unite herself with Him.”

— Maura H. // College Student


“Amazing Speaker”

"You are an amazing speaker! Thank you so much for sharing your journey.”

— Kelly A. // Mom's Fellowship Group


"The testimony story you'll hear from Alyssa is one that both inspires and relights the flame of your faith in a world that makes finding God in the everyday so very difficult. The way we see God work through her life, along with bold encouragement from the saints, makes Heaven a tangible reality and gives hope in knowing we are NEVER alone or forgotten by the Heavenly Body of Christ." 

— Presley H. // 19 year old


“Highly Recommend”

"Alyssa's story not only appealed to the youth, but resonated with them. During Alyssa's talk you could hear a pin drop, and I think it's because the Holy Spirit was in that room moving through Alyssa's words. Alyssa's story is powerful and one of overcoming. It allows youth to think of their own struggles and how they can overcome and pursue a deeper relationship with God. I would highly recommend Alyssa to speak with any group of youth. She's not only one of the sweetest people I've ever met, but a true evangelist for the word of God."

— Sarah M. // CORE Team Member


“This Message Is Full Of Hope”

"Alyssa brings an energy to faith that is often missing for youth. She sends a message that is inspiring...a message that is meaningful in the moment and stays with you long after the moment. This message is full of hope, determination, and grace! All who witness her story will be excited to lean on faith as a source of strength."

— Martha B. // CORE Team Member

“My Fire Has Been Relit”

"I have no words. Alyssa shared such a story of inspiration and hope and how Heaven heard every want and desire of her heart. Her story was such a bright light of hope and healing. For those who don't really have that relationship with God, who don't know how the saints can be an everyday part of our lives...this is going to be a MAJOR turning point. And her thoughts on suffering...my fire has been relit. Thank you for sharing it with me."

— Anonymous


“God Really Does Have A Plan For Us”

"Today's talk was very informative and shows how God really does have a plan for us."

— Luke S. // High School Senior

"Alyssa, at her young age, is so relatable to teens as she tells her testament of finding joy in the midst of suffering. Alyssa is so friendly and teens are not afraid to ask her the tough questions. She is very enlightening and engaging. Everyone enjoyed her energy, enthusiasm, and love of Christ. We would have her again in upcoming years!”

— Samantha H. // High School Youth Minister

“Loved Your Message”

“I loved your message last night!  I have been thinking about parts of it throughout my day today. Well done!” 

Lauren L. // High School Parent

“So Beautiful”

"So beautiful. Seriously. Thank you for sharing ... and thank you for keeping true to your promise to God by telling your story.” 

— Caitlin G. // College Student


“Truly Touched My Heart”

"Alyssa's story has truly touched my heart. Despite having so many difficult obstacles to face, Alyssa remains joyful and radiates Christ's love."

— Sarah J. // Stay at Home Mom

“Suffering Can Be A Plus In Ones Life”

"It was very inspiring. It is a great example of how suffering can be a plus in ones life.” 

— Michael J. // High School Freshman 


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